Weight loss journey beating unhealthy habits

Did you know the actual weight loss process can trigger unhealthy eating habits?

So if you're actively trying to lose weight... these are the unhealthy weight loss habits you need to avoid.

Calorie Free Drinks

Many internet arguments have been had about zero-calorie drinks. Avoid them if at all possible. Diet Soda is extremely popular amongst people on a weight loss regime. The concern is the impact it can have on gut health. Many studies point to the fact artificial sweeteners have the potential to upset gut microbiome.   Long term, persistent usage can have the opposite effect on your weight loss efforts

Low Calorie Snacks.

Low calorie snacks have become extremely popular because people want "guilt free" indulgence. The calorie content isn't the problem. It is the heavily processed ingredients which can trigger a pro-inflammatory response within the gut.

How many times have you eaten a "low cal" snack, only to feel:

- Bloated
- Gastric discomfort 
- Lethargic

This is more common than you might believe.  When you get these symptoms, it is probably because your gut doesn't like the heavily processed ingredients. Furthermore, this can impact your immune system! 


Having a well timed coffee can be great for your mood, health and performance. However, when in a calorie deficit, energy levels can start to slowly regress, as can concentration.  A quick "pick me up" is to consume caffeine right? Its impact on cortisol secretion acts as a natural appetite suppressant. 

Unfortunately, consuming too much caffeine can potentially disrupt sleep health, energy levels and leave your body feeling exhausted.  Consume no more than 2 cups of coffee per day, both before 2-3PM in the afternoon. This gives your body plenty of time for the caffeine to become inactive, as you head into the evening.


Nut Allergies


Cupping Therapy