
Work-life balance is trying to give equal time to work versus the rest of your life. And as we juggle more responsibilities outside of the office, like caring for children or aging parents, it matters.

Achieving balance is also linked to:

  • Less burnout

  • Better engagement

  • Reduced stress

  • Higher productivity

Ways to Find Balance


  • Stay on top of your workload by glancing at the next day’s schedule. Which meetings and projects are highest priority? Focus on them.  Future you will thank past you.


  • Set boundaries, like only responding to emails during set hours or not working on weekends. When you log off for the day, close the door and don’t open it until it’s time to log on again.

Go on vacation

  • You might embark on a lavish getaway to some exotic location. Or maybe binge-watching your favorite shows and eating takeout in your pajamas is more your speed. Either way, several days away from the grind will do wonders to rest and recharge your brain.

Take Breaks

  • Stepping away from your desk for a bit gives your mind and eyes a rest. Regular breaks throughout the day can improve productivity and help you engage with your work. Every 90 minutes or so, take a quick walk, meditate or do some stretching. Then return to your task with a fresh set of eyes and a clear head.

Make yourself a priority

  •  Even when you’re away from work, you may be taking care of others. Don’t forget to make time for self-care.

A few ideas to get started:

  • Schedule a massage

  • Have coffee with a friend

  • Go on a scenic drive

  • Get a meal at your favorite spot

  • Take a long nap


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