Tips for Winter Running

Stay Visible

The fewer daylight hours during the winter months mean that you’ll likely be running in the dark at some point. Wear bright, reflective clothing and carry a small light so that motorists can see you. Also, never trust that a car will be able to stop in time to avoid you in the road.

Stay Dry

Even though you’re running in cold weather, you still sweat. The layer of closest to your skin should be a wicking technical fabric, the kind that moves sweat away from your skin. If you’re wet, you’ll put yourself at risk for hypothermia and frostbite when the temperature drops below freezing.
Many runners forget that they’re still perspiring when they run in the winter since they don’t feel hot but this can lead to dehydration, so make sure that you drink enough water to stay hydrated.


Your running shoes you use during the summer may not work well for winter runs. If there is snow or ice on the ground, you’ll need waterproof shoes with extra grip to keep you stable. Look for removable spikes that slip over your regular running shoes for added traction

Reduce our mileage/time

Slow your pace and reduce your mileage on brutal winter days, just like you would at the height of summer. The cold increases your lactic acid production at a given pace, indicating that your body is working harder to produce enough energy to keep you going. You’ll still get a great workout even if you slow down.

Know when you can or shouldn’t go for run outside

Sometimes the risks of running outdoors in winter outweigh the potential benefits. Recognizing when it’s better to workout inside on a treadmill, exercise bike or weight train can save you from injury. It will also make you a more well-rounded athlete. Running in the winter puts you at risk for injuries, like sprained ankles from slipping and falling on the ice.

