How to Stay Hydrated!

  1. Drink up!

    Start your day with a cup of water each morning. Have a glass with every meal and throughout the day. If you workout you want to be sure you’re having more water to replenish your body after sweating.

  2. Know what dehydration feels like

    Dry, irritated, inflamed, itchy or sensitive skin are all a sign of dehydration. Other signs are headaches, fatigue, dizziness, muscle cramps, faint, heavy breathing, and not urinating. If you have any of these signs, its time to drink some water.

  3. Your Urine is an indicator

    Pale/light yellow urine is a good sign that you are hydrated. If it is dark yellow or amber is an indicator of mild to serve dehydration.

  4. Not all drinks are the same

    Coffee, sodas, beer, wine, hard liquor, lemonade, sweet tea, energy drinks, smoothies, and flavored milks are all working against hydration. The sugar, sodium, and other ingredients in these drinks remove water from your tissues. Make sure you are drinking plenty plain water throughout the day if you are indulging in these other drinks.

  5. Cool It

    Proper hydration isn’t just about drinking water, it’s also about regulating your body temperature, too. During summer, the risk for heat stroke is at its highest, wear light, loose-fitting clothing in light colors; schedule strenuous sports and physical activities during cooler times of the day; protect yourself from the sun with hats and other shade accessories; take drink breaks often; and mist yourself with a spray bottle if you become overheated.

  6. Watery Foods

    Approximately 80% of our water intake comes from drinking water. The other 20% comes from food. All whole fruits and vegetables contain some water, but snack on these for maximum benefit: cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, cauliflower, watermelon, spinach, strawberries, broccoli, and grapefruit. They all contain 90% water or higher.

  7. Replenish when you sweat.

    Play a sport? Heading out on a hike? It’s essential to drink water throughout these activities. Proper hydration means getting enough water before, during, and after exercise.

    • Drink 17-20 oz. two to three hours before you exercise.

    • Drink 8 oz. 20-30 minutes before you exercise.

    • Drink 7-10 oz. every 10-20 minutes during exercise.

    • Drink 8 oz. no more than 30 minutes after exercise.

  8. Fly with water

    Airports and flights can be very dehydrating. It’s not easy to drink as much as you usually do when you’re on the go for summer vacation, and airplanes are known for low-humidity air, which contributes to low hydration at touchdown. Pack an empty reusable water bottle with you in your carry-on bag and then fill it up with water after going through security.


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